Efficient holistic
SaaS Security Management

Scale your ability to control all applications with our flexible, automated workflow engine: usage justification, access requests, access reviews, security alerts,... they all become easier, faster with Zygon.

Accounts Detected
Apps Instances
Published Apps

Ditch the spreadsheet, Welcome collaborative
SaaS Security Management

Zygon shows you every app every person in your organization is using and how they access it, at the granularity of individual accounts. Make access requests and reviews, onboarding and offboarding, simple, fast, and easy—without piling more responsibilities on IT.

From Shadow IT to clear inventory

Detecting each and every account in your organization

Zygon automatically builds a complete list of every app employees are using—whether they authenticate with email or SSO. Never get surprised by shadow IT again, and stop spending time maintaining a manual list of used apps.

Zygon SaaS Identities Detection
Simple and effective governance

Your app inventory, your rules

Easily surface any app information that is relevant to your organization and policies with our flexible labeling system, filters and custom views. Always know what’s important right now and what can wait. Prioritize and manage a complete list of every task you need done in order to maintain SaaS security.

SaaS App Inventory
Level up your team productivity

Transform your manual workflows into powerful automations

Get the right people alerted on the insights you discover with Zygon, trigger actions,  notifications and even cross-system synchronization thanks to our complete automated workflows. There’s nothing artificial about your team’s intelligence applied on the insights given by Zygon.

SaaS Security Workflows
Security through collaboration

Team up to proactively secure all apps

Prioritize and manage a complete list of every task you need done in order to maintain SaaS security: effectively delegate app management, request usage justification, provide a simple interface for users to request new accounts. All of this directly in the collaboration tools your employees are using every day. Stop overloading your team with tasks that should belong to other people.

Secure all app

Why our customers chose Zygon

Simple app Discovery

Powerful yet simple app discovery with one integration

Get started in 5 minutes with a single point of integration. No proxy. No extension.

Flexible App Inventory

Flexible and actionable app inventory

Collaborate through organization-wide to-dos and notifications that sync back to your inventory

Customizable Automations

Fully customizable automations

Easily set up an alert system or automate workflows that work for your team

G2 Summer Testimonial Cloud Security

They recommend Zygon

"Zygon technology meets the requirements of modern tech companies mostly equipped with SaaS. They protect us from both external hacking and insider threats. The implementation took literally less than 5 minutes"

Germain Bourgeois

CEO, Delpha

"The more I use it, the more I love it! Zygon makes managing my SaaS apps a breeze, saving me tons of time and giving me way better control over what my users are up to. It's like having an extra pair of hands to keep everything running smoothly !"

Guillaume Van Reckem

Sys Admin, Ilek

Build your complete apps inventory with Zygon.

Get started
SaaS Apps Illu