Forget catalogs and compatibility issues. Zygon supports all IAM actions for any application, ensuring you can work with whatever tools you need, without overhauling your existing IT architecture.
Traditional IAM architectures focus on integration and automation, but many apps don’t support SAML or SCIM, leading to unavoidable and burdensome manual processes. These often cause dead-angles that only appear during audits.
Zygon reverses this approach by initially streamlining manual and collaborative processes for any app. We then selectively add automation and integrations, ensuring a seamless governance experience between manual, delegated, integrated or bot actions.
Zygon enhances your existing IAM architecture (IdP, Collaboration, Workflows...) without the need for rip-and-replace.
If your current setup works, we won’t reinvent the wheel. Zygon builds on what you already have.
Our unique Access Bot connects to any application to execute any action, regardless of available APIs or protocols.
Don't reinvent the wheel! Zygon easily integrates with your existing IT infrastructure in order to get you started faster.